
Best sports photograph ever!!!


I am not a fan for taking pictures with celebrities, sport guys, politicians, etc.

In Seattle, they don't have this problem.

As an non american, I had my lesson when traveling to NYC. I was on a Saturday at the Met Museum, and I notice a beautiful mid 30's woman, really really beautiful woman. By the time I was walking out one exhibit she was entering. I couldn't helped and by the fourth time we cross pathways I approached her and simply

Just want to invest some spare money in stock, and forget about it for the next 10 to 15 years.

And there are reasons for that: Its simple, its cheap, and it works. No drivers to code, no version to keep track of. 9600,8,n,1 FTW!!!

There is still market for dot-matrix printers. Probably not in the US. Invoicing with duplicates is one example.

He is just a sober bum.

What a jerk, his boss show him some class not taking the letter. All that for what? to finish on the dark back street?. Moron.

I was thinking the same about that building.



A motor, and a 350ft metal cable... sounds like a lightning magnet. You must land this at the very suspicion of bad weather.

Works in Mexico.

Chased by a rabid dog, FTW!!!

+1 You are an internet gentleman.

Stereotypes, accepted. Just following the sarcasm of the article. I am from Mexico and have no problem with stereotypes.

This will scare cancer and make it flee right away out of the body

Old picture about "The Cuban Computer"