
I don't live in the US.

My wife knows some of my passwords, but not all. I have an envelope with a printout of all meaningful passwords me wife does not know.

Living in a van down by the river!!!

Terrible idea. The purpose of the violin is to resonate. On a loudspeaker the enclosure is supposed to DO NOT resonate, if it do, it will add "color" to the sound.

Instead of Gorilla glass, Iphone 5 will use Chuck Norris Glass. (Developed from Chuck's toenail)

Chuck Norris respects The Woz

" I'm sure they made them in the US too" .... Chuck Norris using his bare hands.

No iPhone for you!!!

So, they like to play with plywood. Chinese plastic knockoffs will bundle One-dollar stores in no time.


I'll take two.

Just a little pick

At least the blond seems to have some pass technique.

I thought you were about to deliver some kind of "two girls, one cup" video.

-So, it's a TV, where is the tuner?.

So, no TV tuner, only wi-fi?, what were they thinking???.

Sir, looks like a giant....


Considering the picture, I am wondering the size of the tubes.... LED size?