
So, it will help me to read this?

@AmphetamineCrown: The only Bose speakers I own are a 15 year old 301's that sounds great. I agree with you regarding that tiny cubes do not deliver the works.

@AmphetamineCrown: Actually, there are some companies that sell fairly decent looking speaker cloth ((not just black), it can be used for the lamp shade.

Exactly what I was looking for!!!.

Well, my laptop got stolen las Dec. 31, so I am stuck with my daughter Eee PC while my new laptop arrives.

6 to give

@Eric Clausing: Your system will be as slow as the slower component you have installed on it.


When you square a number that finishes with 5 use this method: ie 25 * 25

The gas is mainly ethylene.

How about chairs, coachs, tables, etc.

Petroleum Jelly, I don't have at hand, what about water based lubricant? #home

Ha! That's the time I spent on internet in a day. More if I include nighttime. #internet

I am a happy user of VMWare, boot up a updated XP, do my "issues" (banking, special browsing, test software, etc.), go back to a saved checkpoint. voila!!!

@BrandonW: There is no such thing as a "double" Windsor, There is THE Windsor and the HALF Windsor.

@Wit: As a frequent flayer, I always do the following when getting to my seat.

@eshotwell: Mine was "beer can" I was more popular that all the "Tripods" in my College.

Probably a wrong selection of soccer team Jersey.