Does the code go on to define what it means by 4 cars? a place that could hold more than 4 cars at any given time, actually having more than 4 cars in there is a code violation that would be rectified if the count went under 4 or under?.
Does the code go on to define what it means by 4 cars? a place that could hold more than 4 cars at any given time, actually having more than 4 cars in there is a code violation that would be rectified if the count went under 4 or under?.
I do agree with the judge that an easement can’t be used for anything else in this case. ingress and egress. no automotive testing. Now if I was williams I would begin putting in a test track around the border of my property. you know, to conform with the judges ruling.
It basically is down to a basic “and” statement. the code says if you store 4 cars and are over 900 sq ft is needs blah blah. so he doesn’t store, just works on some and he’s golden. the judge also is going to allow speed bumps to be installed on the easement, so be prepared for a speed bump every 2 feet.
there’s also a commercial chicken farm behind the lots. tens of thousands of chickens. but the judge notes even without those, the area they are in wouldn’t bear that the odors are a problem as the county road is right there and farming activity occurs near by. its an incredible thing he did.
Edit: the judge quoted the damn simpsons. lol
Did you read the actual suit?
But an even more interesting side-effect of the deal, or perhaps part of its original intention, is that Polaris will now be able to stop TAP stores and parts sellers from offering things for its competitors in the UTV space. That could leave Can-Am and Arctic Cat at a major disadvantage in trying to cultivate their…
are they coming to the desert in feb?
how! I got pulled over by the airport. I was cooking along but I don’t think he got me on laser due to light rain. I got “impeding the flow of traffic” which was 30 some bucks.
Which is not legal. The only time they’re legally allowed to do so it with lights and woo woos.
Don’t ever go on the NJ turnpike. I think the troopers think the signs that say 95 are the speed limit, not the road number.
I owned one. It’s a combination of factors and poor feedback for the user. Out of thousands of shifts to park I missed at least a dozen. Are you actually interested in understanding why or do you just want to call us all dumb?
and the federal definition in the first paragraph says these regulations are only applicable when you’re engaged in commerce. I don’t need a CDL to drive around a semi trailer full of water to fill up my pool.
I scale out around 55k when going cross country to rec offroad.
All the power is great, but is the braking capacity increasing as well? Semis have way more braking capacity per lb when you compare it.
I’m all geared up for the herp derp if you’re over 26k lbs total or 10k trailer you need a CDL no matter what crew to arrive. It’s frankly not the case. Its entirely dependent on what you’re doing with the truck and your local state’s licensing laws. If you’re good in your home state, then you’re good in 50.
First of all let’s be real; the steering wheel holders of the big trucking companies are no different than grandpa in his triple axle, bus style RV. The idea that having a CDL makes someone professional is laughable.
Depends on state. I have my personal truck regged to 80k lbs as a private truck.
Sorta. DOT across the country is hitting guys running fly by night Uship operations hard. If your trailer is over 10k lbs and you’re doing commercial work then you fall under CDL/commercial rules.
Your status as needing a CDL starts with what you are doing with the truck. If you’re racing its commerical. If you’re just going out for recreational purposes then you’re not required to have a CDL (depending on your state).