I'd love to go back in time and sit in on the screen test of Leslie Nielsen playing Massala in Ben-Hur. Someone would ask me what I thought, and… well, surely you can see what's coming next.
They should have worked everything out beforehand from A to Zed. But Zed's dead, baby. There, saved you a reply.
With any luck, the CancerAids will kill him three times
IIIIIII BEEEE-LEEEEEEVE you might be right.
Tony Head would have to be in there somewhere.
"Conan, you must see my smash hit holiday classic HODOR ALL THE WAY!"
Google 'Wibbling Rivalry'. It's funny because it's true.
There's a make-up technician out there whose job it was to make Amy Adams look like that. Their Oscar has just gone up in smoke
Wow, that's even longer than Berlin Alexanderplatz!
His insights into the works of the silent era great Silas B Manchester embiggen the art of the booklet essay.
I can see why it took 39 visits to fix the problem - looking for her cable in the bathroom.
This looks like a job for…BITCH HUNTER! *cocks rifle and kicks down the door of the ladies bathroom* "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCHES!"
Will there be braid-pulling?
It even works on a Liam Neeson-y level.
Water cooler duel!
Oh God. I haven't seen this since my son was born. Reading that line…
"You will love BUSINESS."
Alexi Lalas is considered a celebrity? There's hope for America yet.