
I used to be the same, with the “You’re gay, who cares?” I thought this was the enlightened approach. But that shit is the same as people who say they don’t see color. I don’t care, because my privilege allows me to not care if Lil Nas X is gay. But that’s a part of his identity and if he wants/needs to express it,

Wow, this guy is going to push his state’s educated workforce numbers through the roof! Imagine how much of an incentive this is for companies to move there in 16 years?! Atlanta better watch out!

She didn’t buy a seat for a plane. First class is a 2-2 configuration. If she bought both seats - the guy wouldn’t be next to the dog. She bought one seat, and had her dog on her lap - and he was sitting next to her.

It is part of the spectrum of the most dangerous mental illness: lack of empathy.

Hmmm... I haven’t watched this latest show yet but based on the quotes above, it sounds like his comedy is moving away from insightful and thought-provoking, and into old man “get off my lawn” territory with the Louis CK defense. I mean, first of all, pulling your dick out and masturbating in front of strangers

Totally fair point, though it’s kind of on him for haphazardly tossing things into the cart. Also, at least in my experience so far, fake “meat” and actual meat are in completely different sections of grocery stores. It’s not like the fake ground beef is right next to real ground beef, so you’d really have to not be

So Rocky’s manager promised something that Rocky may not have actually agreed to. 45’s antics didn’t actually help Rocky get out of jail, because Sweden doesn’t have bail. Rocky was still convicted of assault.

Come get y’all boy, White people.

I don’t think he’s a sucker. I think he’s a rich guy acting like a rich guy. He’s just dealing with rich guys who were born into it and he’s a baby compared to them when it comes to acting selfishly.

The lengths that people will go to to show that they hate us is incredible. I ain’t got shit else to say.

He chose option #3. You could argue it never should’ve been given,

Well, a) I’m following a prescribed grocery list, and got what I was instructed to, and b) you’re assuming I have a farmer’s market in my area, which goes back to what I was alluding to about not presuming everyone has the privilege to eat healthily at a reasonable cost.

I’m going to tell y’all right here and now, having been around a lot of these folk due to my job, they are not the brightest bulbs on the string. Equating questioning with faithlessness has done wonders to create a malleable flock of barely literate followers. This was not an accident. As with everything, follow the

Ok troll, I will play along. If you say something that I don’t agree with, YOU are forcing your shitty views on me. You expect me to say nothing and simply accept your shitty views uncontested.

Comedians can tell whatever jokes they want. Everyone can tell whatever jokes they want. The problem is never the jokes in themselves; it’s that they choose to tell the laziest fucking joke they can because they know it’ll get a cheap pop. And it’s a helluva lot easier to be like “trans people are weird, wocka wocka!”

He is free to say what he wants. I am free to cancel him if I don’t like it. He has Freedom of Speech and I have Freedom of Expression.

That’s my job. It’s like telling a fireman, ‘You can’t go into that burning building.’ Well, how am I gonna save lives?”

Hey Marlon, have you spent any time in jail exclusively for the shit you’ve said? No? Then leave that freedom of speech shit at the fucking door. 

How the fuck do people in prison get so good at making a noose out of bed sheets?

I’m glad some petty jerk made this national news because the numbers on Jaxen’s GoFundMe are going up. Little man has been through a lot.