The Glow Up is a place for black women to discuss issues that affect us, most of which do not begin and end with the trump administration. If Trump wins in 2020, black women sure as shit won’t be responsible.
The Glow Up is a place for black women to discuss issues that affect us, most of which do not begin and end with the trump administration. If Trump wins in 2020, black women sure as shit won’t be responsible.
Honestly? It feels like a criminal violation of her personal autonomy.
“I ain’t gonna let my daughter grow up to be like the women I cheat on my wife with!” - T.I. probably
If Smith was 12 in 1996, then he’s only 35/36 now. If that picture is accurate, holy crap he did not age well. And by that I mean, if the description of his living/working conditions wasn’t bad enough, seeing how poorly he’s aged should tell you how awful his life was. Also, all of those patrons who never came to…
Let me get this straight:
This child (and any others in his care) needs to be removed from that home. A person that feels this level of entitlement over another person’s body is possessive. When it is a man specifically trying to exert control over a woman’s sexual and reproductive rights (however fashionable), through force (subjecting a…
I resent that I’m even skimming this article....
Can someone please fucking tell me what an officer of the law has to do to be held accountable for their actions? Maybe if they blew up a Dunkin Donuts the judge would’ve given a fuck. This is beyond negligent it is a complete abdication of any sense of decency or common sense. Who in the fuck trains someone to react…
And this damage was over a shoplifting beef. The police are all about protecting the property of the powerful; public safety, not at all.
This is what it looks like when you give a rural police force Army equipment and no reason to use it.
He hasn’t made a public appearance since Inauguration Day. Every other appearance by him in public has been curated, filtered, and vetted by his handlers and his crews.
He probably thought this was an easy win for him. He probably thought he was gonna get praised for the raid that lead to the death of that ISIS leader the night before. He lives in a bubble, and he only keeps yes men around him, so they probably gassed him up for this thinking that a MLB game would be a white…
It wasn’t a great answer because there is no great, warm and fuzzy answer. Bernie cannot tell his hypothetical black kid to spit in a cop’s face, or spontaneously develop Superpowers. The reality is that the best hope for a young black person’s survival in this scenario is to cooperate as much as possible. That is…
This is a bad take. If you watch the whole thing Bernie took the question seriously and answered as if the speaker was his child. So he said “I would encourage you to keep yourself safe because cops kill black kids.” That’s a pretty radical thing for him to say. He also said police need to be held accountable.
An underage black girl. That’s your answer, unfortunately.
The New Mexico State Police and the San Juan District attorney announced they will not file charges against Officer Christensen.
The reality is NO ONE knows the full extent of a problem and situation until they are dealing with it face to face. Oh, people can guess.. but at best, people on the outside of a situation only see about 10-30% of the reality. maybe 50 if they are particularly open and VERY publicly candid (which brings its own issues…
Sigh. We’ve done this before.
My. God.
Death penalty is too kind