
Just one more to the list I’m compiling..

Why am I not surprised to learn that of all the places R. Kelly would choose to keep and exploit underage women... HE CHOSE A FUCKING TRUMP PROPERTY!

I am thankful that Officer Gaston was well-trained, highly disciplined, and level headed. I think most of us in this situation would not been able to keep their composure and someone would have ended up dead. I wish all officers had his professionalism. Think about how many situation would have been de-escalated

Who actually looks at what people wear on planes anyway? I just want to get on, get in my seat (hopefully a window) and don’t have any desire to look at anyone else, unless it’s an annoying kid behind me kicking my seat.

It never ceases to surprise me that a story on our fellow American workers looking for decent job conditions, will have people lining up to tell you that they side with the corporation.

If your employer openly advertises that it’s going to work you harder, it should probably pay you higher wages.

Any time a law enforcement agent or politician in power betrays their duty and trust in order to intentionally harm citizens, they should face penalties 10x harsher than the average citizen. They are in positions of power where they can ruin our lives or murder us. They should face far far more severe punishments for

Which is also how you end up with crime stats that would indicate some mass criminal base of non-whites.

Of course they do. They don’t have the resources to fight it, and everyone knows  the cops word takes precedent in court.  Why would he lie, after all? /s

[Trump] said he was issuing an executive order instructing federal departments and agencies to provide the Census Bureau with citizenship data immediately.

Or, as I noted elsewhere, close the fucking door before walking away. The reason people can get through these doors in these situations is that people aren’t taking the absolute most basic care with security. Can you imagine walking away from a single-family home without taking a second to close the door?

Even while the kid was basically saying “Dad I don’t like this. YOU are scaring me, take me out of this situation” - he doesn’t give a shit about his kid and doesn’t even acknowledge him.

I would have thought with that history he either would have (1) ignored the man, or (b) called the police while walking away.

“My father was murdered outside his home by a trespasser who he confronted alone”

For my child’s safety...

No, no, mofo. If you were afraid of your “child’s safety” you wouldn’t have confronted a “trespasser” at all. If you were truly afraid because of your dad’s story, you would NOT have “confronted a trespasser”

I’m no business owner and I’ve never run a city, but I’ve been on the streets and if a sucka burns you for a couple of bucks, seems kind of stupid to just keep handing him work knowing you aren’t going to get your money back.

Orange Foolius turned a non-partisan celebration of the nation's independence into a tacky ass campaign rally. Why the fuck should taxpayers pay any of it. Next time don't pay for shit. No overtime approvals to guard the next rally. No security no police escorts, nothing!

That might be the worst thing about white privilege: the ‘maybe’.

Oh, I am my ancestor’s dream, absolutely! When Miss Anne spoke derisively at her, condescendingly whispering orders, I’m sure my ancestor longed for the day when she walked in a room and all the white women marveled at her skin wondering how old she was, then proceeded to price everything she was wearing and wonder

This motherfucker just wanted to kill someone, bringing up the music this boy was listening to is just a way for him to label him as “scary” and thus in need of killing.