
It’s not summer yet.

Nah. It’s a bad take, but not the worst. LeBron was visibly upset/emotional, and everyone on the bench saw that. That type of reaction is understandable, but they still had a winnable overtime to play.

They are lime green, obviously.

I really wanted to see UMBC play Kentucky. Seeing the size difference in a Sweet 16 game would have been entertaining.

He’s from New Hampshire, where being cold and emotionless is a point of pride.

It’s hard to believe someone would do this on purpose when there are cameras everywhere. But maybe that’s not so obvious to North Koreans, who only have access to very heavily censored video.


What the hell was trying to do by batting the ball at the end of the play? Why not just try to fall on it?

So which way do you people want it? Gunboat diplomacy/military threats? “NO, war is not the answer.” Multilateralism? “He’s practically begging China to solve this for him.” Direct diplomacy? “Incoherent word salad.”

Rest assured, nowhere close to 90% of his subs are in the US. He’s Swedish, has an Italian girlfriend, lives in the UK, and his content revolves around  video games. I would be surprised if half were in the US.

I was more bothered by the fact that there was no emoji with that tweet. Gotta have the emojis.

Lin-Manuel Miranda was born in the U.S., and therefore he’s not an immigrant. His parents are Puerto Rican, and therefore not immigrants either.

I’m gonna sound like a fart, but this is why I don’t like the whole concept of posterized. Players know that if they go up for a block, their legacy could be as a gif of a guy who got a sack of nuts in his face. I mean that French dude who got dunked on by Vince Carter literally tried to kill himself.

I went to a fancy restaurant once.

League Pass is free through the go90 app for 2016-17 if you have Verizon Wireless (L Plan or larger).

It’s not Simmons, it’s the format.

Now playing

Harper has been jerking major league dongs since like the 10th grade:

They both played for the Wizards when Arenas was Agent 0 and before Young was Swaggy. Arenas still thinks he’s big bro.

If there’s ever a question as to whether a joke is inappropriate, the best way to tell is by its funniness. If it’s funny, then there’s a chance it’s still appropriate. If it’s not funny, then it’s definitely inappropriate.