Mr. Robot.
Mr. Robot.
I sit down to draw this creature and it’s as if my pen can’t quite grip his essence. My mind slides off of him, as if some fell spell is cast upon him. I see him, but do I know him? He looks at me, but isn’t he just looking through me? When I draw this creature, this beautiful gollum, it’s as if all my talent breaks…
The reason why they call it 'Dark Matter' and not something else is because we had all kinds of theories that involved various forces over the years, and, despite the fact that it's pretty perplexing on the face of things, the 'Dark Matter' theory did the best job of explaining the entire suite of scientific evidence.
Well it's all perspective really. If you were say the size of an amoeba then they mite be giants.
"Actually, analytics refers to a type of bug that lives in your butt."
Not quite the eyes of the overworld, I imagine, but something like what Vinge depicted in Rainbows End.
The bigger picture is that Facebook and Apple are attempting to pay female employees to undergo a very risky procedure with not-well-understood consequences
Just for clarity's sake, that ~2% of fissioning material isn't the 0.7 grams referenced. 2% of the uranium in the Little Boy bomb is 1.3 kilograms. Of that 1.3 kilograms that underwent fission, only 7/10 of a gram was converted into energy. All of those 1.3 kilograms of uranium split into other elements, but 7/10…
Because I, as a white guy, and you, as a white guy, are both in positions that mean we have never been subjected to institutionalized discrimination that the government and society propagated. Those words you mentioned in your original post were part of that and have a long history of being used to oppress and…