Or, maybe, just maybe, race has nothing to do with this and they’re just prejudiced against your dog?
Or, maybe, just maybe, race has nothing to do with this and they’re just prejudiced against your dog?
Yeah, but you could chalk all that up to the Seeds being in control of what gets broadcast in Hope County. I can see him being right about the fire and brimstone thing, but there is almost no way and no indication that ANY of that excuses the horrible sins he and his cult continually pulled.
At least the super mega fudge coated choclatey supreme ending would have been more tonslly fitting.
I was actually enjoying the story until the ending happened. The resistance was very charming and likeable, and the Project was really unnerving and scary (I have a massive fear of brainwashing, indoctrination and losing control, so those Faith and Jacob scenes reslly got to me). I get what they were going for, but I…
They’ve already announced the DLC, and they’re all more in the vein of Valley of the Yetis and Blood Dragon: I believe the first pack will involve a zombie apocalypse breaking out, the second will have one of the characters stuck on Mars, and the third sees the player transported back in time to the Vietnam war.
I like Sera, partially because of I’m rather fond of mischievous prankster characters in general and because of the reasons listed above. That helps that, as you said, you can actually call her out on her behaviour and actions, unlike, say, Samara or Miranda.
Aww, I liked Jubilee as a vampire. I thought they handled that rather well (mainly in X-23 and Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Helcat!). Why can’t she be a mutant and a vampire?
Just once, just once, can we celebrate something Destiny related without going “Bungie is evil”?
You have no idea how disappointed I was to find a lack of “Hunter of the Heart” fanart.
You shut your mouth you ignorant heretic, Jaal is perfection incarnate and how dare you blaspheme against him.
“Yeah, and all of them get killed off...”
I think George Lucas mentioned that the Dark Side thatself was the imbalance in the Force.
To be honest, I think this article (and some of the comments) feel(s) really mean-spirited to the past movies and their creators.
Wasn’t the Marceline story about how Ooo became consumed by the elements, and her doomed attempts to stave off her growing assimilation?
I’m actually quite fond of twitchy/glitchy monsters and monster designs.
Off the top of my head, there’s been The Shawshank Redemption, Stand By Me, 1408, Misery, The Mist, The Green Mile, Carrie, Cujo, and now IT.
From what I’ve heard, the only really bad book was Mass Effect: Deception.
You shut your mouth, Jaal is amazing.
Actually, I think the monsters in the first game represented Alessa, not Harry.
I’ve finally beaten American McGee’s Alice and moved on to Alice: Madness Returns. I’m enjoying my time so far, but Eyepots are just a big pain to deal with (especially in the Radula Rooms). They’re almost as bad as Boojums and Snarks.