Aren’t all video game problems first world problems?
I think it was more like her agent booked it and told her how much $$$ she would be making. It’s adorable you think these guys pore over scripts trying to creativity and integrity.
It was. Really, really was. Replayed the whole thing on the pro, survival mode, avoided health perks and got a 100% completion. I feel like I earned every single collectible. I love this game.
2 dudes making memories together without at least a third around? If you’re in NA - that’s so GAY bro
Why black out their names? I think your more educated readers would love to know if they are working next to one of these beauties (or more realistically, he probably coaches your kid’s soccer) still has it for CAD 80 dammit still has it for CAD 80 dammit
Plus you get to pick your poison, since both narratives of the show glorify the moment
Wondering how much $$ they expect us to shell out for a 60-minute simulation?
Trolling yourself - eh bud. To be fair, almost all games are being written by old-ass babyboomers trying to tell us how we talk and act.
Loved it. The only good thing that came out of the FF teen-years (X, XI, XII UGH)
How does this baby boomer man child have a wife and I can’t even third dates?
Dude - I want that dinosaur thingy with the wings. It doesn’t even have to be the official lego version - I just really really want a cool toy that looks like that! Anyone know where I can get one ?
You paint with words
This! Please!!!
A negative IGN review? Do those even exist?
I’d say in-game voice chat is a basic requirement for any co-op based gameplay :(
Communication is, without a doubt, absolutely necessary. Tactics, strategies, FF warnings, refresh rate and reloading call-outs aside, I need to be able to tell random stranger A that I want to go exploring for loot in the forgotten corners of the map and not rush through checkpoints like we did the last 10 times.
Sadly, you are. One of the great tragedies of our gaming-lives.
You forgot Pargaon - another mass online consumption game