
"But MOM! Iwannabeabletocallrandomstrangerscuntandoffertorapethem!"

Beautifully written. I'm sorry for you loss, but I hope at least typing it all out was therapeutic.

"Buy some nuts"

Knowing that you liked Black Flag and are still enjoying Unity actually makes me want to give it a chance.

Those sea shanties though...still stuck in my head dammit

An eagle got stuck in my stomach the other day after a routine attack.

I'm so happy you guys are covering FC4 hard. Dragon Age's coverage has been a little light, but I hope you guys go hard it next week, when I no-life FC4 and officially start DAI.

From what I can gather from this article, you've got awesome parents dude

Trailers are just as bad. Could've sworn FC4 had a lot more snow-locations than just 3-4 levels in the trailers.

This is literally the best thing the internet has given me in years. Thanks for collecting these all in one place, Luke!

Also check out Black Friday deals. Pretty sure spotted it for $50 on a rfd

Only reason I'm still holding on to my XB1, when it's step brother is so much better.

Please not South Park. I loved it to death, but it ran perfectly on last gen. I never felt like I was playing a last gen game, and with those character models and graphics, you won't care about the resolution either. I would rather Bethesda works on a sequel (if that's even possible). Or at least give a bunch of new

VotY wont be more than 2-3 campaign missions in the Himalayas, with your magical transport sherpa waiting a few feet away while you massacre Yetis.

Not really. is it just me or is he hitting on my character pretty hard?

That's the worst reasoning I've ever heard. How stupid are you?

Criminally overlooked in almost every game. SOverdrive and DA Inquisition character customization is amazing until you (GOD FORBID) try and put a few pounds on your character.

Do you want to learn to fear honey badgers above grizzly bears, mountain lions and Bengal tigers? Then buy this game

Amita's hotness could only be encompassed by her fiery demeanor. Yes, I like em hot tempered.

Not ashamed to admit I mortared a group of fellow rebels fending off the eagles, just to get the birds.