
This is great cause it happened to a rich, white man. I remember the first time me and my buddies laughed at a woman’s misfortune. Oh, wait. No, we didn’t. Regardless of political leanings, no-one deserves to have their home trashed in this manner. Authoritarian leftists are just as bad as right-wing, bible-thumping

The people on the porch quickly dispersed. Jordan says Oliver dragged her across the house to the bathroom and threw her into the tub, threatening to urinate on her: “I started screaming at him and the noise I was making concerned him enough that he yanked me out of the tub and told me he wouldn’t if I shut up.

As much as it pains me to say it, I think the willingness to endure Trump by people like Tillerson is actually out of patriotism. They know first hand what a dangerous fucking lunatic he is, and know that he needs adults in the room. If not them, then it will be some moron lackey with even LESS ability to temper his

I highly doubt that Bloom ever saw herself as “a champion of women”. 

Honestly? I believe the reports that he, Mattis, and Kelly fully believe that they are all that’s between this country and the great abyss. He’s saying what he needs to say to stay on so that he can be a control on Trump.

Lawyers are perfectly entitled to refuse representation. She could have told him no. But like her mother, I suspect she would represent anybody if it got her camera time.

Lol hiding my reply pointing out just a few times The Times has had serious credibility issues in the last few years alone.

Okay, but what has this got to do with engagement photos?

The problem is that there are 2 patients in this scenario. One adult patient who isn’t consenting, and one juvenile who lacks the ability to advocate for itself. You’re right, we don’t perform surgeries on people of sound mind without consent. We do perform them on children. I’m pro-choice, but it’s hard to argue that

I had an unplanned C-section because my son’s heart rate kept dropping. The cord was wrapped around his foot. If I would have insisted on a vaginal birth, he should have been fine. A friend of mine had the same situation, except that the cord was around her baby’s neck. If they hadn’t intervened when they did, he

The Times? A paper that took 30 years for a retraction over the lies they spread about Kitty Genovese’s murder? A lie that shaped public opinion and very possibly shaped public policy. A lie that still gets bandied about on this site.

Last year I read a couple of groupie memoirs and I recall one, in particular, who seemed to be trying to force the “wow, it was so awesome” theme onto what mostly seemed like coming of age floundering. Certain bands were too “stuck up” or “boring” to give her the time of day and all I could think was “no, they were

Editors. The world needs smart editors with actual vertebrae.

We obviously have a weapons expert here.

She wasn’t using them, she was “inspired” by them. Just like all the other times she has been inspired by other’s work.

Rich people stay rich by not spending their money on trivial things, such as service-industry tipping or compensating artists for their creations

When you wake up with a new pain just from sleeping in a bed, thats how you know you’re old.

I still can’t tell if this “advice” column is supposed to be serious, or if there’s just some inside joke I’m not getting. This can’t be real advice, can it?

Sometimes it feels like you all are thirsty for dirt on Louis CK

“I sext so many women on twitter, do you really expect me to card all of them?” Is the message I got from that statement.