Because its only half the genetic material and will never ever be a chicken. - known science in george carlins lifetime
Because its only half the genetic material and will never ever be a chicken. - known science in george carlins lifetime
No theyd be those popcorn flavored ones, fucking deplorable.
Not gonna lie as a lame ass dad with a dry sense of humor I laughed at his desiccant/dry humor comment.
thats not a lawsuit and there are no claims of non payment
It says the actors were paid $50 and thats neither a lawsuit nor does it claim people weren’t paid. Its an FEC complaint that payments specifically to a sub contractor were made but not properly disclosed.
The banjo decends from an African instrument and the word itself is at least Africanized Portuguese if not an actual African language word. Though the banjo as we know it did develop in America. The shape and membrane over a ring was developed by slaves then the modern 5 string now dominant variety was developed by…
I dunno about ejaculation but even toddlers can get an erections.
Neither of those links were cited in the first two links you provided. The first one acknowledges their report is flawed due to inconsistant reporting methods with things being measured twice in some instances. It also includes resident on resident violence not just staff abuse within its numbers
The first link dosent actually cite anything it just has a jumble of not links at the bottom, many of which 404 if you try to manually follow them.
lol ambulance chasers’ ads a source
Part of the issue is that Rossum was offered equal salary and rejected it and is asking for the difference in salaries for the 7 years, despite 7 years ago she was more or less unknown and Macy was a 2 time Emmy, 2 time SAG winning A list actor.
wow im pretty sure fdr was a distant cousin of hers
you do know Michael Jackson suffered from a disease that destroyed the melanocytes in his body right? you know he spent a lifetime concealing a legitimate disease because of assholes like you right?
I know youre just snarking there but Rose Wilder was seriously a piece of shit. If you didnt know shes considered one of the Godmothers of Libertarianism and made Ayn Rand seem reasonable. She also stole her mothers estate after her death, which was supposed fund a small towns library, and instead kept it for herself.
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Ya know i wouldn’t completely despondent. Shits not always so binary and clear cut. Here in Kansas Clinton may have only got 36% of the vote but at the state level dems picked up 1 senate seat and 12 house seats and at least 12 pro brownback house members lost to moderates who somewhat staked their campaign on working…
I sure you guys have pretty limit ability to control what ads appear but its a little crass to have an ad for dead pet t shirts on an article about murdered humans.
Yeah thats not exactly right, just like Trump supporters claim voter fraud without evidence, jayhawkers claimed ballot stuffing before any elections took place. They also refused to acknowledge the legitimate government of the territory and set up their own. Their objective was literally to cause so much fear that…
Im no expert in California gun laws by any stretch and im too lazy to google the specifics in this situation but,