Oh man, I really want to read the Zirin takedown. He’s one of those annoying writers where I’ll agree with a few of his pieces, but then realize he’s not a person with real opinions or insights, he’s just chasing a Good Liberal Opinion Haver trophy.
Soccer has too much soccer. Teams can be in multiple leagues at once, players can be on multiple teams at once (not including their national teams to which they may not even be ethnically linked), and some games don’t even count but are still a big deal. So confusing for American sports brains.
This is the best take this site has ever had. EVER.
I saw Clemmons leaving a Burger King drive thru in Tampa once. He stopped his car in the intersection outside about 50 yards from the from the front of the restaurant, got out, and hurled and unwrapped double Whooper hard enough to stick to the front-facing window for around 10 seconds before sliding down leaving a…
Yeah, but “borderline illegal shit” is also known as “legal shit”.
There’s no way the majority of olympians aren’t on some borderline illegal shit, right?
I worked briefly at a software company where one of the engineers was named Lee Wei. I remember thinking that they sure did let him get away with a lot of stuff.
Du Li noted.
Jeez, Andy Kunasek is madder than a dressage enthusiast at a glue factory.
“Why would there be confusion if he spoke English? Joining us in in studio to discuss is Emmitt Smith.”
Like all things Obama, I blame Bush.
Dicks out.
+1 for sneaking past the greys.
I have been waiting for months for this game. What does this say about our nation as a whole? Honestly, I try to stay out of politics as you all know but this is enough. I am tired of the innuendo and the behaviors of the nfl elites that run the nfl. We must fire Goodell and hire Jane Goodall as commissioner. Only way…
All three of these flags were made in the same place anyways...
Even the guy that has no idea what he’s doing at the plate is several inches further down the bat.
Dropping fucking n-bombs being unacceptable on multiple levels isn’t the truth being muzzled by the word police.