Captain Murphy

That was also Freddie Mercury’s master plan.

Flutie’s dad was long rumored to have a better arm than Doug, but who knew his mother was also better at passing.

I love the race-baiting white guilt dripping off the sensational headline. Assumed hatred is the quickest, laziest most eye-catching go-to for pathetic, needless shit-stirring activist ‘journalism’.

Now that the Cowboys have all their weapons back on the field, there might finally be some room to sit down on Greg Hardy’s futon.


I don’t hear Rodgers defending Norwegians when fans chant “VIKINGS SUCK”!

People on the internet get mad about dumb shit because it makes them feel like they are good people somehow? Like maybe there’s something about self-righteousness that provides an endorphin rush or something like that. Anyway, maybe your opinion was a little stupid or whatever but it seems like 100 people agreeing

Hardy would have had his Ferrari backed out there.

But seriously, fuck the Steelers.

Manziel: Ever since that twist-off, I’ve really been feeling drafts.

I remarked to my girlfriend after she heard about this story that “if I ever get that kind of brain damage from anything, please, pull the plug. I don’t want to survive that.”

To which she said “if I found out you got brain damage after a night in a whorehouse, I’d gladly pull the plug.”

Doctor’s also report that he was able to remember to “Pass it to Kobe.”

Much to the pleasure of the dozens of fans in attendance.

“Not bad, not bad.”

They were also reportedly upset with the slant of the article.

Wasn’t it more of a poor translation than actually offensive writing? I believe the article was from a 3rd party and originally written in Spanish

The NBA’s follow-up statement that they were going to “Nip this in the bud” was definitely short-sighted, in my opinion.

Didn’t the administration there say to call the cops if you think someone is racist? Seems like that would be appropriate

So I’ve seen a lot of troll accounts on here. I had one that finally gave up, and some asshole created a bunch of Mangini in a Bottle accounts. I’m fairly concerned about how this is negatively impacting the comments. My question to the staff is: do you prefer Italian or American heroes?

This sounds like a really fun trolling tactic, and I would have loved to take part in it myself if Cam Newton hadn’t stolen my laptop.