I like Trope as the word I want to strangle people for using, but agency is great and I now see how problematic it was that I didn’t have agency at the top of my list.
I like Trope as the word I want to strangle people for using, but agency is great and I now see how problematic it was that I didn’t have agency at the top of my list.
This is the hipster review. The ‘against the grain, unpopular opinion post. I can't believe inwasted 6 min of my time reading it. The only redeeming line was the Atl Hawks refrence.
The best scene ever in the series was Brienne vs. The Hound. So you definitely got that part wrong.
You sound like you don’t have too many friends
I can’t star this twice. I wish I could.
I didn’t think there could be a more bullshit term than “hate watching,” but then “hate broadcasting” was born.
Wholeheartedly, 100%
This was the best season so far. I only read the first three “paragraphs” of this article. If anyone isn’t excited for the zombie Mountain to murder the religious zealots....go watch HGTV
really? but this is such an edgy “review” i dont know how you could possibly disagree.
I think a lot of TV critics believe a series about a savage, war-torn, and ravaged middle ages world should subscribe to 21st century liberal sensibilities. Of course, no one was outraged when the witch was being gang-raped in the first season, because we only care about these things when they happen to pretty women…
What part of “Winter is Coming” did you not understand?
My thoughts exactly. He should just stop watching the show if he thinks it’s that bad.
Me too, the finale was quite good.
If you’re looking for a redemptive, fairy-tale, Steven Spielberg ending for all of this, you’re watching/reading the wrong series.
Seriously, the “I hate GoT” because it suddenly got dark trope needs to die as obviously as Meryn Trant. Where have all you people been for the past 4 seasons? The show was never a happy walk in the park - it was dark from the get go but only now do you have multiple years worth of attention and interest in who is…
It was a shitload of word vomit that essentially boils down to: I know what the show is and it is now en vogue to pretend that this is ‘too much’ or ‘purposeless’ and leaves us all with a sense of wonder that these folks are paid to write this.
I’m going to walk through the City today, following random people and intermittently shouting “Shame!”
How did you come up with your burner name? We all know you’re secretly a middle-aged woman who thinks there’s too much violence on TV, everyone drives too fast, and those kids won’t stay off your lawn.
This show is fun. It appears you do not enjoy fun
So....... is there going to be a real review up later, or...?