How much does Brett Favre wish this was about him?
How much does Brett Favre wish this was about him?
Maybe the guy was just hoping that literally any entity other than the LAPD would arrest him first.
This really should have been the Patriots’ punishment.
On the plus side, the ejection gives him more time for chillin’ out, maxin’ and relaxin’ all cool.
I consider myself a very rational, levelheaded person, but by the end of that Top 10 list I was about 30% convinced Andy Kaufman was going to deliver number 1.
You’ll find that on Skinemax.
I’m just glad they signed a real veteran leader in Marshall who will be patient with the young QB during his growing pains and can rally the locker room around the young kid to the point wh...h...ha..Haha...AHAHAHAHAHA.
If you look at every position other than quarterback, the Jets are a significantly better team than the Colts. But the Colts have Andrew Luck, so they’re a Super Bowl contender, and the Jets have Geno, so they’ll be fortunate to win seven games.
If that was the case, he would have been on an imaginary phone, a la Bob Newhart, soliciting hookers.
They all sound the same to you, DON’T THEY????
That one always makes me go nukular.
“I gotta get my larinex fixed.”
That mammoth contract will gel nicely with the characteristics of the Maple Leaf fan base.
Frozen in time and bound to the history books.
To be fair, the Maple Leafs are offering him an extra month of vacation.
I think I’d go:
Looks like my proposal of keeping the extra point where it was but requiring the fattest guy on the team to kick it was unceremoniously shot down.
Looks like my proposal of keeping the extra point where it was but requiring the fattest guy on the team to kick it was unceremoniously shot down.