Whoa, whoa, whoa... are you actually being rational about things? Can’t have any of that here. Only mass hysteria!
Whoa, whoa, whoa... are you actually being rational about things? Can’t have any of that here. Only mass hysteria!
That would be worse than if it was....literally anything else?
I hear it was a collaboration between OMG! SUPER RACIST white privileged rednecks and unchecked illegal immigrants from ISIS.
I’m halfway through the Sopranos. I was too young back when it aired to watch it/appreciate it, so I’m just watching now. You’re telling me that they never fucking find out what happened to the guy that Chris or Paulie obviously shoot in the head?
Jesus Christ
After the election, Harrison Barnes being on the Olympic team is our greatest national embarrassment of 2016. And it’s kinda close
Not to mention the most talked about election in...well, ever. That is bound to draw some eyeballs away.
Honestly, this may be the first thing on the Internet that I ever saw that truly made me laugh uncontrollably. Haven’t seen this in a decade. Thank you so much.
Why would the accepted part matter? Because a different referee threw a flag for holding or Offensive PI or whatever? Cam Newton is complaining about the number of flags thrown against defenders who are illegally hitting him. Whether or not the penalty is accepted is irrelevant, unless you think that the ref threw the…
This is Arrested Development clever.
Sock it to me?
If he hit his center in the back of the head. Oswald’s shot(s) was much more impressive.
So when can World War I be joked about? I’m sure if I made a joke (or, really, just trivialized it) about Julius Caesar’s campaign in Gaul, that wouldn’t piss too many people off.
Because they’re kids. The article spells it out really well. When I was their age, the seniors on the track team would take the freshmen into the woods once every couple of weeks and play “Vietnam”. They would have us running around with water guns yelling about the “damn VC’s” and “slopes”. Then, when one of the…
“People love being upset” should be the new tagline of Deadspin since they took the Gawker writers on. Well done.
That’s the NBA more than anything. That’s why I never understand the total hate for the Sixers’ “Process”. There are maybe 5 teams, and this year probably less, who can win a championship any given year. Any of the other 11 teams who make the playoffs are wasting their time and dooming themselves to more years of…
Dude, they run a post every weekend about how morally wrong it is watch the NFL, and suggest we watch soccer as an alternative. Then they hire all the shitty Gawker writers and give them a second chance at a platform for their shitty hot takes.
Fair, but Sanders was dominant in Atlanta. The number of years doesn’t bother me: It’s that he A) was maybe a slightly above average player, at best, during his time there and B) didn’t accomplish anything like going to or winning a Super Bowl.
It was a joke through exaggeration. Lynch was better on the Broncos than Hester was on the Falcons, but in both cases, a formerly great player joined a team at the end of his career and was not as effective. Lynch was still pretty good, but hardly great, and nowhere near as good as he once was.