Good call, guess it doesn’t mean it was retired. But still. It’s not like the Falcons are putting Devin Hester in their Ring of Honor.
Good call, guess it doesn’t mean it was retired. But still. It’s not like the Falcons are putting Devin Hester in their Ring of Honor.
I think you’re burying the lede here, Patrick. Did the Broncos actually retire John Lynch’s number after 4 seasons? And they were only a dominant team for one of those years, 2005. Honestly, if that’s not white privilege, I don’t know what is.
The name isn’t the issue. The issue is the logo. The logo is a caricature. Plenty of teams name themselves after different groups of people, and manage to stay away from the “old racist logo” problems or the “old racist ethnic slur” problems.
Friend of mine taught in the inner-city of LA back in the 90s. Many of the students were affiliated with gangs (if I remember right, some were Armenian? I don’t quite recall). According to him, one thing you definitely do not do as a student was fuck with a teacher that didn’t deserve it. Even being disrespectful to a…
I don’t think that was the issue here. I feel like the brace would protect from a twisting injury. This just looks like landed wrong.
He spent 10 minutes ripping on the Yankees for their stupid promotional expansions, which include this breast pump thing. Got me through traffic on my way home from work. God, he’s a national treasure. I can’t believe he’s retiring in 14 months.
+ many bothans
Counter-point: Ties are funny, as is special teams incompetence. Field goals that go in are very boring. Field goals that miss? I will always be happy I watched those.
You know the weirdest thing about Jrue is? Is siblings are Justin, Aaron and Lauren. Where the fuck did Jrue come from? I used to think his parents misspelled “Drew”, but Aaron is a way harder word to spell and they got that one right.
I’m not trying to support the theory of “Jews having some sort secret control over the media”, because that’s as stupid an idea as possible.
+1 extra shooter
I hope not.
Well, Cruz is actually radical conservative (Trump gets painted as an extremist, but he’s more of just a moron and a moderate). So, I see why plenty of Republicans wouldn’t support him.
“God Hates Aggs” saved it. That’s a top ten all time.
I think there will be a swing back to the more reasonable, limited government, somewhat fiscally conservative Republicans. I actually happen to think they make pretty good presidents (same with moderate Democrats). I think Nixon (for obvious and understandable reasons) and G HW Bush get underrated as presidents. Both…
Don’t necessarily disagree with you, but who is the future of the Republican Party? Genuinely asking, because if it’s not him or anyone else who acquiesced to Trump, it’s gonna be someone we never heard of or a member of the old regime (like a Jeb Bush).
Yes. Of course he did. Because a thing that was happening was being reported on, and it was news, since he didn’t know it was going on. That’s what I did.
Damn, last Time I saw a document With so Many Random capitalizations It was The declaration of Independence. i Never can understand How people write Like that.
It’s actually quite funny, and I won’t say you’re as bad as him (that would be very difficult!), but you’re not really helping things either.
In that case, you think he has things about other topics worth hearing?