Captain Murphy

See, I don’t think the issue is ONLY about Trump’s connection with white supremacists. It’s certainly an incredibly important issue, and one that deserves the attention it has gotten. But this isn’t 1860. Elections are ALWAYS about different issues.

I think that would be a great chance to clear up that confusion (between debt and’s amazing how many people don’t get it, and brag about this person or that person “reducing the deficit”), although I don’t know how many people want to see Clinton give an Intro to Economics lesson for 5-10 minutes. Almost

Yes, there will be at least 15 minutes on the national debt during an election that is a national referendum on what percentage of the country is all-in for white nationalism.

I’ve heard that argument before, and my first reaction would have been similar to yours. But it actually does make a little bit of sense.

please. -2.0, +/- .5

As gross as that is, ignoring any issues of pain tolerance, and not considering that an open wound like that is begging for an infection, could he had kept pitching like that? I get he can’t have a bandage. But does he have to come out? Would blood be a “foreign substance”? I know the NBA has rules about players

An excellent point. In California, one of the most Democratic states you can get, you have a population of 40 million people. Proportionally, around 15 or so million of them will vote Republican (although, of course, only around half of all people will actually vote). That’s incredible.

I actually find the Indian logo worse than the Redskins name. We often put too much attention on words, and not nearly enough on images. Redskin is a slur, and should absolutely be changed. The Indians logo is worse. It’s a mocking caricature, and I think way more harmful.

I should preface this by saying that I am in no way a Democrat, and honestly, am probably going to be supporting a Third Party candidate. I think both parties have lost their way, and I can’t help but roll my eyes whenever someone characterizes all Republicans as a bunch of racists, just like I can’t stand when

Wasn’t Lincoln (who died a week or so after Lee surrendered). His 10% plan was definitely very lenient, and he would have enforced that. The Radical Republicans took control of Reconstruction after a brief period of Andrew Johnson bumbling his way to sort of following Lincoln’s plan.

I loved how everyone used the excuse of “Sam was the SEC Defensive Player of the Year! The only reason no one wants him is because he’s gay”, when we’ve had Heisman Trophy winners at QB literally have to change positions (and now, even sports) just to find a job. Players who succeed in college routinely fail in the

Came here to make that joke. Knew I would be way too late.

Well, that is one of the side effects of CTE...

We may criticize the NFL for certain things in public relations, and often rightfully so (although, it sometimes goes a little overboard). Their plans for making money, however, are always logical. Callous and greedy are understatements, but they always know how to make an extra buck or two.

with little curly blonde wigs on top

If I’m following it right, he first hugs the kicking net last week, then he has sex with the kicking net earlier today, and finally he proposes to it at the end of the game.

I’m a Giants fan too. Can’t stand him.

I’m quite calm

Most of the people who know who Fredette is know that he A) went to BYU and B) is a white guy named “Jimmer.” I’m gonna assume most people who know who Fredette is and know what a Mormon will make an educated guess.

Civil case (like this) is just for lawsuits, between party A and party B. Criminal cases are the ones where jail time is possible, and it’s between the government and the defendant.