Central Florida are the Black Knights, the Bulls are South Florida.
Central Florida are the Black Knights, the Bulls are South Florida.
High ratings doesn’t make it good. CBS has the highest ratings of any channel, First Take (at least in the past) had high ratings for a daytime talk show.
Clear history? That happened literally 15 years ago. And he hasn’t done it since. 15 years ago I thought wearing a visor was cool. I haven’t done it since. Neither of things have a “clear history”.
This deserves more stars
A douche who donates to charity in his free time is still a douche.
John Rocker is a bigot, and an all-around awful human being. He’s as classless a person as one can imagine, and the world would be better without such hateful scum.
The centerfielder always has the “right of way”, if you will. If he calls for it, the other outfielders back off. The shortstop has a similar role in the infield.
Adam Silver is every bit as greedy and douchey as Roger Goodell, but he’s smarter about it and doesn’t have the media scrutiny.
I feel like they use the word “problematic” at least twice a day. And they’re not using it sarcastically.
Exactly. Problem is, just this last episode, the two of them joked about how few Republicans they know. Like it’s funny how they don’t interact with people who they don’t agree with. They don’t know anyone who differs from themselves. Makes them come across as every negative stereotype of a liberal you can think of…
Yeah, who knows who will rise. Obviously, I had never heard of the Lowes and Barnwells of the world until Grantland.
To be fair, he took a lot of the shittier ones with him to the Ringer, like Chris Ryan, Mallory Rubin and Kevin Clark (although he might be a new hire). The political podcast they do is a really tough listen as well.
This is the best bad comment I’ve ever seen on Kinja, and I just saw some idiot post that Hillary Clinton is already the most accomplished president ever.
It was hard times for the candy machine owner
“Well, it’s a lot better than when the whole stadium is a bathroom”
I am quite aware. Hence, why you can’t say 4 out of 44 Presidents have had their term be finished by someone else, when the actual number is 9 out of 43.
Are you forgetting the ones that died of natural causes? Cause that brings it to 8.
James Buchanan allegedly had a secret relationship with Franklin Pierce’s VP.
But...but...he's white! And white people are evil!
It only matters a little bit.