I prefer the fake news about Shia LaBeouf being cast as Pinhead in the next Hellraiser movie. Yeah, as if.
I prefer the fake news about Shia LaBeouf being cast as Pinhead in the next Hellraiser movie. Yeah, as if.
Careful Rob, you’ll be accused of being a Marvel shill.
That joke’s certainly been seen a few times...
Okay, so how’s it pronounced? Dark-seed or Dark-side? I’ve heard both used.
And you helped, as this is the first I’ve heard of it. Well done.
I... don’t know about this casting. I mean I like Peter’s work in other shows and movies, but... the Tick? Really tough to see him in that blue suit... I hope I’m wrong...
If it shows up in the movies, it’ll be done at night, and both runners will end up sweating blood and going AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! as super tendons snap and entire cities fall from the backwash of the titans...
Urinating outside? Fucking savages! Use the kitchen sink like everyone else!
Do you think Affleck’s Daredevil was better than his predecessor in 1989?
ROFL! Yeah, Grundy, as played by Mickey Morton, who also portrayed a bucktoothed alien in the Original Star Trek episode The Gamesters of Triskelion - and played Malla, Chewbacca’s wife, in The Star Wars Holiday Special. The man’s a legend.
If it doesn’t include The Legends of the Superheroes, it’s no damn good:
A good point (I mostly gave up on the comics partly because of all the retcons and reboots and re-whatevers), though it could be argued that there’s a fair bit of difference between making Tony Stark, an established character in the Marvel movies, the creator of Ultron, and having Superman kill and help cause wanton…
Lex: Your little girlfriend gave me the stinkeye in art class yesterday.
Batman: Superman’s not my girlfriend alright? And I doubt he gave you the stinkeye. That’s just how his face looks, you know?
Jeez, I remember the 90s Marvel look and feel being bad (one of the reasons I dropped out of reading comics - that and the push to collect all 50 variant covers of the same issue or you weren’t a real collector - but I forgot just how bad until I saw those panels above: the HUGE bouts of verbal dysentery forced into…
It can’t be a proper Game of Thrones theory if it isn’t at least a little bit rapey.
Yelling at the person who helps run a company’s social media is about as effective at getting change as yelling at the counter worker in a theatre because you didn’t like the latest Adam Sandler movie. Sure, it’s probably less likely to get you committed than if you kept yelling at the screen, but still...
Don’t our own cells regenerate and reproduce every seven years, so none of the cells we had more than seven years ago still exist? So technically were already replaced on a regular basis?
So in years to come, Crystal Skull might be seen as the start of a second Indy Trilogy?