
Very good point. If you see an admin rate below 5%, they’re probably lying.

Once you find a few charities that you feel strongly about, I would encourage you to look up their Form 990 on There is a lot of good information to be found on an organization’s tax return.

Trump isn’t even President and he’s already convincing liberals to donate money to charitable causes. Miracle of all miracles!


Remarkable diversity of thought on the Deadspin staff.

Maybe it has something to do with people posting images about murdering cops after 5 cops were targeted and murdered while protecting a group of people protesting their existence.

I was born in ‘87 and distinctly remember being irate that I couldn’t watch the NBA Finals because they kept flipping over to the OJ Simpson chase. It was those moments that I hoped he would be guilty. Still somewhat traumatized from missing parts of that game.

A very liberal and tolerant viewpoint you have there.

“These bills pop up periodically around the United States, and they get passed because morons and bigots, such as Curt Schilling, believe that trans people want nothing more than to prey on children in public bathrooms. Curt Schilling sucks.”

“Owner Vivek Ranadivé chased Mike Malone out of town to bring in Karl midseason last year, only to tire of Karl and his lack of control over the team half a season later.”

It is also a theory...

What a surprise. A lefty can’t understand why anyone would think differently than he does...