
Tell me what you know about me, or commenter here, and how active and engaged we are politically. I’m genuinely curious to know how my comments here are the limits of my involvement. IO9 draws fans of sci fi and fantasy, and part of that is how it inspires and connects with real life. Black Panther has connected

Google “voter roll purges.” Google “North Carolina gerrymandering.” Google “racial discrimination, polling stations, lines, waiting.”

Well of course not. He’s a white supremacist MAGA moron, of course. To Trump he’s ONE OF US, ONE OF US, GOOBLE GOBBLE GOOBLE GOBBLE.

Just fine. They don’t care what he says. He’s not a woman. He’s not black. He’s not a Democrat. As long as he’s a white Republican male, he could say absolutely anything—ANYTHING—and his supporters would lap it up. They’d eat his literal feces if he would let them. It’s fucking mystifying.

Well we live in a FICTIONAL EGALITARIAN DEMOCRACY so why not? It takes a story either way.

Are you really this clueless or do you just play an imbecile on the internet?

Hey, whatever works!

Here, I’m gonna sit your ass down and give you an education in white supremacy, the subtle kind. Or, if you’re just trolling, you can kindly fuck off because I just don’t care.

It’s a mystery. But yeah he’s a real racist douchebag.

That’s a nice bubble you got going for you, but you should probably join the rest of us in the real world where voter disenfranchisement is active and working.

Shut the fuck up asshole. Seriously. How do guys like this get out of the greys and I’m still stuck when I’ve been commenting here without any obvious racist bullshit for years?

“pretty easy to prove”

A huge part of the platform for the Republican Party is to limit and eliminate the vote for blacks and Hispanics. They create laws to reduce the number of voters and change around voting districts to absolutely destroy their voting power.

It’s simple; for a ruling party that is slowly becoming a minority demographically, introducing as many roadblocks and barriers to actually voting for the “others” is a way to suppress their votes and cling to power as long as possible.

This is the best news ever. Trump put PoC on notice that they would have to fight for their rights, and guess what, they are absolutely going to do that. 

jesus fucking christ. trump has blamed everyone except for the fucking shooter.

Yes, the real victim of the Parkland Shooting is actually...Donald Trump


When society has taught you that you can do or say anything you want without repercussions. A drunk racist uncle was elected president, what filter?

Actually, they tried to do the same thing when Get Out came out, they were just less organized