
Agreed. Doesn’t mean they should get shafted now, though.

“Funny, here I thought homeowners WERE the rich.”

NYT should probably just close, honestly.

Don’t go by the DJIA. It’s a measure of investor confidence, not economic health.

“A lot of stuff has to be waaaay out of kilter to put the USAen economy into a recession.”

There is a very high likelihood of a recession within the next 12 months.

That’s about 2-7 years too long. We are at the end of a 10 year expansion cycle. No rational economist thinks a recession is more than 2 years away.

It’s not there!

Am I reading this wrong or do you really think a recession is 5-10 years away?

Greater NYC Metro Area here. Can confirm.

I was surprised that The Ecstacy of Gold by Ennio Morricone didn’t make this list.

Needs more trumpet.

I want to hear a mariachi version of “My Heart Will Go On” now.

For the record, no one>Picard.

This article is fake news. Brett Stevens isn’t a real person.

She likened banning assault weapons to banning “fertilizer, which is what they used in the Oklahoma bombing”

lol incel

lol incel

This is like saying Scandanavians aren’t indigenous to Scandanavia.

Probably not a lot of homeowners in the bottom 40% though right? Homeownership rate is pretty low, partially because property taxes are so high.