
You might be surprised by how many morons on the left think Russia just wants to be friends you guys stop being so mean to them you’re gonna start WW3.

“Why won’t you love him!?”

I know, right?

...hunter gatherers kept shared what they caught.”

You could really work on your communication skills.

“How is this assertion about an abstract group of people in any way actionable or worthwhile?”

I posted all I needed to disprove what you claimed and demonstrate that you didn’t read what you cited. You are the one who made claims about economic mobility, not me.

“ use “society” as an abstract construct is pointless and irrelevant.”

Yes, that’s it thank you.

Here is what your citation says:

“Society as a concept is pointless and irrelevant.”

I think it starts with an “s”.

Mmhmm. I’m not so liberal with definitions.

“And an announcement: this will be the last of my own comics posted on Splinter.”

How has no one else noticed this?

That’s not what “Contrarian” means.

Standard of living is more than median income.”

Standard of living has actually declined in the US. People want to see their quality of life improve, and income inequality stifles that. “Not starving to death” is not a standard of living Americans are willing to accept.

Username checks out.

Isn’t the point of politics to support and elect people who you agree with?