
Would be hit by it.

RIP BBC America

"Whatever, dude. I get handcuffed at second base like three times a game."

Non-texture needing grown babies hate NATURE. You want the thing without a morsel of what it's from. A fucking joke.

People who prefer No Pulp Orange Juice should be put to sleep. Same with creamy PB lovers.

Anybody else wondering how he had a ticket for the game?

You forgot to mention the smell of the je ne sais quoi. Sweet, sweet je ne sais quoi.

John, why the long fa...

OBVIOUSLY they are able to pull it off due to the Gravity Flux Compensators the Millenium Falcon has. As any TRUE Star Wars fan would know if they had read Star Wars Technical Journal Volume one published in 1993.

I thought about going to my 20th, but it would have required a trip back to South Jersey. I fled the first chance I got and haven't been back more than a few times since.

Maybe a too simplistic idea, but couldn't the NCAA allow instances like this to have the purse be put in an escrow account until eligibility is done? Maybe it's a little too common sense.

Ok, I haven't watched this team play once this year, so I'm completely ignorant, but I thought the narrative to start the season was that RGIII had no offensive line and no ground game to take pressure off the pass. Now he's surrounded by awesome weapons and everything is his fault?

You can't do epic shit with basic people.

I can't believe she Yadda Yadda'd the bisque!

There was a letter of the week a few months back in the fun bag where a guy said he would always eat it (was planning to tell his non-swallowing gf to get her to give it a go). That letter still haunts me to this day.

Judging from the video, it appears there was no resolution.

isn't Jizz-Hands a popular move on Broadway Theater productions?

I wish all internet debates ended this well