
... which is obviously due to zero phones being repairable right now.

If D Walker had asked a legitimate question, I wouldn’t have minded answering. Had they asked me what enby means (as opposed to googling it), I would have explained. The subject itself isn’t touchy.

Dude, let it go. He was clearly just identifying as nonbinary, the same way I (as a jackass) call myself a Spartan in Halo forums or a Summoner in the Fire Emblem Heroes subreddit.

Dismissive and insincere. (Walker goes to great lengths to say he’s being sincere which to me is very “lady doth protest too much.”)

There actually was one person that called D. Walker a bigot.

Was it even a delicate subject? Lmao.

And I made it abundantly clear that your “genuine curiosity” was completely unwarranted and undeserving of a thought-through response.

It’s not about whether the question was asked respectfully, it’s about “why was this question warranted at all?”

Is it really that “interesting” tho?

While the need for awareness and such is always on the back of my mind: and this whole discussion highlights WHY that awareness is needed,

FYI, “straight” isn’t opposite of enby. Honestly neither is man. Non-binary people can call themselves straight, and they can call themselves a non-binary man / woman. It’s an umbrella type of term with different meanings for different individuals. It’s typically just “not cisgender” and “not binary”

As a non-binary person myself, the best way I can explain the choice of words without actually being OP is using what you mentioned: saying “I’m a simple man/woman” was not relevant to OP. Furthermore if they had used that language, you wouldn’t have batted an eyelid and moved on. Likely, OP is simply wanting to refer

You knew you weren’t owed anything. You knew it was a delicate subject. But you asked anyhow. The mature thing to do with people you don’t know or in a public forum is simply to restrain yourself from asking. The person opted to reply with incredulity that you’d even ask, a giant note with the word HINT - NOT

Because god forbid anyone be genuinely curious about anything. With a few exceptions, it’s generally safe to assume that ungrayed commenters are acting in good faith. Everyone slips up, but I can only think of a few who go out of their way to be jerks. So this is a pretty silly comment, given the forum.

I mean, I initially completely looked over your wall of text, because it immediately read as something akin to an “I’m not racist but” type of deal. And then after reading it, I still get a similar feel.

My initial assumption is that you mean no harm, but I can see why someone would assume you have ill intentions. As


Sorry, but I do not buy that you would be just as weirded out if someone said, ‘I may just be a simple guy/girl/dude/bro - I just refuse to believe it.

It says that I’m used to seeing folks be concern trolls when it comes to their bigotry towards nonbinary people and it’s exhausting to read multiple paragraphs of folks bending over backwards to justify said bigotry.

I usually appreciate your contributions, but it’s tacky for you to play a victim here. I don’t think it needed asked. It’s easy to find the question you asked inherently disparaging (“needlessly performative”), and they didn’t owe a random person an explanation. Just to say.

Aso yes, I'm aware that you said "simple man / woman" is just as odd.  You still wouldn't have posed this inquiry if I had instead went with that typical turn of phrase.