
The new Bjork, racist cunt.

It still baffles me how people against Neo-Nazism and white supremacy are still labeled as “antifa” as if it’s some sort of terror group or radical hate group. Is the alt-right so delusional in their mission that they attribute antifascism to violence? Do they seriously think fascism is the right direction in all this?

Too bad people like this can’t get kicked off campus for trolling and intentionally inciting trouble. These girls knew what they were doing showing up in that gear

“Fuck The Police”

You must have all my electronics tapped or something to assume Giz is the only news outlet I read. Do you think I take this article at face value without reading other sources? If you do then you’re a cunt. Oh, is that too inappropriate? Cause I don’t give a fuck.

No, it doesn’t discredit shit. I am fully aware of the monstrosity of the situation and can still handle these funny (but not necessarily clever) insults while understanding the gravity of it all.

Wow, Reddit is a cesspool of whiny, neckbeard social paths? Who knew...

Legalize Ronch!

It’s just you

You’re too close, Mon!

Please let it just die already, its the internet equivalent of a tumor.

Check your privilege buddy. When you feel the negative repercussions of a fascist, basement dwelling regime of white supremacists then we’ll hear your voice. Just because you don’t feel hate on a daily basis doesn’t mean other’s don’t.

Its a really good movie and very politically relevant right now.

You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome.

this is why the internet was invented. Thank you.

Times are changing, indeed.

But its true soooo....

Tekken IRL

How fucking old are you? Like 60?!

I love capitalism as much as the next guy but it has its faults. Just because some people don’t agree with Apple’s business model doesn’t mean they are Communists. Absolutism is just as bad as ignorance.