If she is of legal age, I would gladly fill all her gaps, to make her whole again.
If she is of legal age, I would gladly fill all her gaps, to make her whole again.
I received that David Lynch feeling in my gut hearing the music combined with that fantastic art style of the game. Not sure how original the pups mechanic is, since I am pretty sure I've seen something similar in a few other games, but the visuals are beyond charming.
Great to see a compatriot making this amazing art. Proud, proud, proud!
I wonder, Mr. Brian...is it hard being you? Going to all sorts of fun places all the time, eating tasty meals and enjoying the serene view?
Bit of a ...fallacy that nobody started a topic on this yet. I for one, am determined to show you it's not hard at all to start pointing out the cultural importance of this puppet. Just...give me a heads up.
I have a stable, capped download speed of 100 mbits/second, and it only costs 10$/month. For twice the money, my ISP can provide me with ten times that download speed. Pretty cool, huh?
What the hell have I stumbled upon here? Oh, just women laughing, fucking and eating. Way to be productive.
Quite an interesting read. I was expecting a game in the true sense of the word, but to each his own. The basic concept of locking it on a singular machine is what's fascinating to me.
Aside from the fact that not looking at the camera nowadays is "in", they could be pretty much diagnosed as autistic. I've seen dirty, sick, homeless women more attractive than these two. But to each his own.
I flunked art class in 4th grade when the teacher told us to draw a tree and I drew a green full circle on top of a vertical brown bar. That was seriously my depiction of a tree in drawing, I am THAT bad. To see this level of talent and imagination is mind-crippling. Bravo!
'shop contest !!!! PLEASE !
Oh God, Anita, give it rest. Having more composure and talking in a more soothing voice won't make these tropes you speak of go away.
You could have at least taken the hard drive out, assholes.
Yamauchi's passion and determination brings tears to my eyes...
I have a mouthful of water now. God, all that good greasy stuff in one place. And I'm so hungry...