
No you're not.

Obviously Epic's way of forcing you to buy new controllers.

We're sorry Mario...but our princess is in another business.

The sex drive I get just from watching these two girls is...astounding to say the least.

Same thing goes for any 1960's corny comic book superhero.

"The most anticipated script fest in history" it is then. Oh my...

Damn you, I can't reply to that.

It's amazing that...somehow I knew that before you replied. I wonder what other wonders you have in your shrine.

Any news on the official cuddly Chell plushie ?

I for one, as a fan of the series since the PSone release, will be looking forward to giving this a try...although for some reason, much of the excitement for car combat games has faded away over the years, TM Black being in my opinion the last great title in the series.

This is impressive in every way. But I've yet to see someone cosplay as a Cazador. God, do I hate those things.

Miina !!! The vision's dancing in my mind, the early dawn...the shades of time...twilight crawling through my window pane.

You might be surprised to find that they will base their system on gimmicky shovelware...God, let's hope not.

Not working for me either. On what continent are you located ? Is this service available strictly in the U.S. ?

I can see the DLC now:

Is the screenshot of the little girl's ass also not loading properly for you guys ?

Red Dead...cremation ?

I almost shed a tear at the end when I realised that basically my whole life was comprised of Nintendo goodness. I never got to properly thank Miyamoto-san for all his hard work, but it's not too late !

She can ride my chocobo anytime.

Dang, this kid is adorable ! Way to promote the game, I'd say.