Yes, yes, the point: Every game, whether it’s mobile or not, should have the Fallout 4 character creation tools, otherwise developers are racist about brown and black bodies (but fuck those asians! they are the minority’s minority!)
Yes, yes, the point: Every game, whether it’s mobile or not, should have the Fallout 4 character creation tools, otherwise developers are racist about brown and black bodies (but fuck those asians! they are the minority’s minority!)
It’s a Japanese creation, no? Not surprising it might look like it is.
While I see your point and I understand the importance of including diversity in avatars, the avatars in Pokemon Go are so irrelevant to the overall game. There is no point to having a million options for each feature so that it can look exactly like you (or exactly how you want it to look).
Sorry, this isn’t fucking Skyrim.
Seriously?! Not just all of this ridiculousness, but you DIDN’T GO WITH YOUR WIFE WHEN SHE WAS COMPETING IN THE OLYMPICS?!?! How many Superbowls did you make her sit through? She literally competes one week every four years. WTF?
I was about to say the same thing. Don’t they suck? Didn’t Jay Cutler just get named the worst quarterback in the NFL right now? (I can’t remember the source. Deadspin?)
If anything Mitch should be described as Corey’s husband, since the Bears don’t do anything worthwhile these days.
I hope no one had a drinking game for every time NBC cut to Giselle. That was really annoying.
I honestly did not know that. I was wondering why the Japanese contingent but the Voice judges didn’t tell me anything during the commercial.
So why should I stick to just two? You don’t really say why just that I should only have two while being socially awkward about it. If I need to drive or be somewhere early the next day then yes stick to one or two but if I have a ride/taxi/uber and everyone else is drinking and enjoying themselves why would I stick…
oh silly Jezabel, you still astound me at how base and low your stories are. Was this a fun and gosh jolly post, or were you seriously asking this question.. if you were, literally what the hell is wrong with you?
I feel bad for the track and field athletes, whose organization was so terrible at covering up their PED use. Unlike the efforts of every other top nation, who kept hidden the PED usage literally EVERY top track & field athlete does.
Sexual assault has not been taken seriously for far too long. I just wish feminists could sit down with Sonia Sotomayor or, even better, a female public defender, who could explain to them how criminal law works, how childhood memories fail to work, and about the many, many ways that a press trial of the accused can…
I’m not sure what you mean. Presumably the two necessary parties here would be (1) the prosecutor and (2) Constand (and her lawyer).
Yes, but isn’t it also standard practice/incredibly common for the defense attorney to be there too?
Dude in the right looks like he's ready to be deployed to Fallujah.
Technically she couldn’t masturbate him, he has to. JO or HJ is what you’re title should indicate.