
The force field was established a couple of episodes back. I forget who was fighting, but Kasius did use it at the time.

I understand why many people didn’t like The Fall (and the third series was a bit disappointing), but for those of us who had the patience to make it through, the final episode of the second series gave us some of the best scenes Anderson will ever film. I will avoid spoilers since you are still watching, but goddamn

I loved everything about Fitz and Jemma’s reunion. Awwwww. The moment they each lay eyes on the other. The way Jemma said she prefers him in cardigans. The way both of their instinct is to propose to each other as soon as they are able to and then fight who said it first. They should know that they both tend to

Ooh, nice!
Or, alternatively, what if they brought Flint back in time & HE was the one who ended up BREAKING the planet!?

If you had told me during season one that I would come to find Chloe Bennet action scenes a highlight of the show, I would have laughed. Over-the-top laughed.

Poor Fitz. Spilling his heart out for Jemma, but she didn’t hear a single word.

my point is why waste the mist on humans (something I assume the Kree can test for seeing as they were the ones who created inhumans in the first place).

Just for clarification, while this may be Clark Gregg’s directorial debut for this show, he has previously directed two films - “Choke” and “Trust Me” (at least the latter of which I believe he also wrote).

I was hoping they’d abandoned the “we don’t kill, ever” nonsense.

I love that Patrick Fabian just waltzed into this episode, playing a campy Star Trek: TOS villain. I half-expected him to bet 400 quatloos on May.

He had an affair with Mulder’s mother, he’s Mulder’s biological father, not the father that raised him.

It’s also in the TOS early episode Charlie X: [second attempt to embed! Let see...] [nope] [it’s out there, honest]

I laughed so hard at the side comment “Just press any button, they all do exactly the same thing.”

I’m so glad you remembered that TNG episode too! It came to mind when he started using Jimmi Simpson’s character as a footstool and definitely when he started going Vader on him.

Yeah, this episode was very “What if ‘Hollow Pursuits’ but Black Mirror?”

You know what came to my mind as well? That Futurama episode where the man-child alien/god had the cast of TOS captive.

This was disappointing.

Two parallels come to mind. The classic Twilight Zone episode “It’s a Good Life” with the omnipotent child, and the Star Trek: TNG episode Hollow Pursuits where Barclay creates Holodeck fantasies involving his fellow crew.

So much this.

I think there’s been an availability issue with J. August Richards for the past couple of years because he’s a series regular on a few different shows.