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What I was thinking every time Stamets said “Just one more jump.”

I just started laughing uncontrollably after that line.

It was all so bad. Everything bugged me. Why do a show about the inhumans if Medusa has no hair and Karnack is depowered? Why did they think that we would accept that?

One thing bugged me above all else. In the comics, Medusa and Blackbolt share a special almost-psychic bond. This is why she has to translate for him...

“I learned your sign language a long time ago, you idiot.”

Agreed on all fronts. I was astounded at how boring the entire thing was. Why bother doing a show about people with crazy powers if you never actually have them USE their powers?

Did you ever try Heroes: Reborn? Because that’s the only show I watched all the way through that was worse than this mess! (Maybe!)

So can Marvel finally stop letting Scott Buck fuck up their characters?

Mac’s last line in the AOS season promo at the end cracked me up.

Oh yeah I specifically meant the antagonist’s character, motivations, and plans are the same, not really anything else (give or take a few generic fish-out-of-water moments). Maximus is a genetically different, physically smaller brother whose schemes to steal the throne send his family to earth because he thinks he’s

Nah the best character still remains Mortis, who they of course killed off.

And they had EIGHT EPISODES to develop these characters.

One key difference between this and the first Thor movie was that Thor’s evolution was earned at the end of the movie. Whereas here, I had absolutely no idea why Medusa was suddenly proposing going against all the horrendous parts of their society that had benefited her for so much of her life.

Also the alien enemy is definitely the Kree right? Which makes me extra curious about how this all would’ve/will tie in to SHIELD at any point.

I kept hoping that “the boss” would turn out to be Coulson - it would even explain why they couldn’t meet with him yet since he’s off in space.

They had the exact same villain plot as the first Thor movie, I guess they figured they might as well have the same resolution as the last one too.

What an absolute waste of time for both the viewers and the creators. I still can’t believe that this was the version of Medusa that Marvel fans were given - despite the actress doing her level best to bring life to the character. The most famous Inhuman, known for her prehensile hair, had it chopped off 20 minutes

Black Bolt, when asked about the chances for a second season: “.....”

I teehee’d at practically everything Maximus said to Black Bolt in the first few minutes of the episode. As much as a show like this could ever have a “best” character, it was easily Maximus.

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Did you do this first to make sure it was him?