
the worst thing Marvel TV ever did was the Terrigen Fish Pills storyline from AoS

I’d think with Captain Marvel coming up, it’d be easy to thread AoS closer into the MCU again. Heck, they could fill the whole upcoming season with foreshadowing for the film...

Everybody has been posting about how Inhumans is a rip-off of X-men. But after forcing my way through the past few episodes, it seems a lot more like a pale copy of Thor.

Agents of SHIELD, especially last season, was excellent.

I honestly believe that anyone who’s sat through this entire series can’t complain about Danny Rand. Danny has a soul, he has noble motives, and while he’s an idiot, he’s not entitled or self-superior.

I’m so glad Sammy keeps noping out every time someone tries to suck him back into Black Bolt’s bullshit. It’s honestly the most realistic part of the whole show.

Well now now AOS has goodwill and several people clamoring for it after eight weeks of this garbage.

Just think of all that goodwill that Agents of Shield built up last season and how hard they’re trying to piss it all away.

The important question is: Where the fuck is Sammy? Like on one hand I’m lad that he’s seemed to escape with his life considering what a shit friend Black Bolt’s been, but on the other, some confirmation of his status would be nice.

Not even in the same room but literally NEXT to him!

The thing about Steve is that his basic character is decent, but he had a lot of privilege, hence the douchiness. Once he got over his privilege the really decent guy came out.

Steve was Season 2 MVP. Frankly he’s too good for Nancy now.

If they made an “adventures in babysitting” remake starring Steve I’d watch it.

“It’s crazy, but I really liked it. I mean, I had a few issues. I just felt it was a little derivative in parts. I just wish it had a little more originality, that’s all.”

I should have been clearer that these were three connected but independent thoughts:

You can also throw in X-Files “Monday” and Supernatural “Mystery Spot.” It’s a pretty well-used concept.

Because this show has terrible writers.

please god no if they renew it I’ll compulsively watch the 2nd season just to be a damn completist