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Here’s a theory:

Let’s be honest... That last sentence should probably read “...considering how disappointed fans will be with any ending.”

you are insane

George doesn’t owe his readers shit.


Now playing

TL;DR - Theres this guy who writes huge epic fiction I’m a fan of and they made movies about that fiction that made the guy famous, and the movies are coming out faster than the fiction... why aren’t I getting my fiction faster? Gimme Gimme Gimme. It’s because he doesn’t have anymore fiction, isn’t it? He’s a phony,

Please save this website. Publishing articles like this lead me to believe this won’t be around through the end of 2016

If nothing else is clear about this article...

The purpose of the article is to express the opinion that this dude may well have no pages.

“Simmons with a flashy finish, still only counts for two”- he is not the announcer Simmons deserves, nor the one we need.

He's also too athletic for video playback.

Your links don't work. You suck.

I would be surprised if it was peds since two out of 3 are repeat offenders for recreational drugs.

I wouldn’t be sure

A story on butt play and yet no mention of the Cleveland Browns.

Peter is a rube

Skyline Chili: it looks, and tastes! exactly the same going in as it does coming out.

Hopping on plane to Phlly now.

It’s hard to read your email when you’re staring at Goodell’s navel.