Supergiant should have thought of that before it locked its exclusivity to a store I’ve decided to boycott.
Supergiant should have thought of that before it locked its exclusivity to a store I’ve decided to boycott.
Star for Kingkiller reference.
I’m of two minds here:
The first is the most obvious: as irritating as spoilers can be, they absolutely do not warrant physical violence in response.
I mean, I kinda get it: as someone who is still waiting on Rothfuss to “finish editing” Beyond the Doors of Stone (and really, he fucked up when he said, “Oh, the whole…
Hey Zach, that’s really been working well for me tbh. It took me a while to learn that I don’t need to play games the nanosecond they come out. But once I did learn it, I haven’t really looked back. And with a backlog as large as mine, there’s always something to play!
If you feel like games are cheaper and better a year later, maybe stop buying them the day they come out?