
That was a very sad Episode, every time I see it I get saddened and have to give my dog a hug.

And this just shows how simple minded you are. Yes the game belongs to Gamestop when they acquire it, however if you are a retailer which is what Gamestop is and you are selling things as brand spanking new the reseller has no business tampering with the merchandise at any point. If they did not want the code in there

Sadly Gamestop has earned its hate by its shady business practices and their policies. It once was a great place to shop for games however now I would rather wait for it to arrive from Amazon than go to a Gamestop store.

Usually Wideband services have either higher caps or no cap at all. I'm one of the few that can say I dont have a cap on Comcast but I do pay somewhere around the same mentioned in the post.

Agreed!!! Sadly there are not stringent enough regulatory requirements and governing bodies that would be able to effectively control this. Far too many of these things are left to the organization to decide what is the best way to secure their data however, the more digital we become the more exposed to these types

I agree with you on the point that the argument that fame has to come with negative attention is overly used and is an usual escape goat. However there are risks to everything some bigger than others, if you purposedly put yourself out there in a medium that everyone can see and you have to have a thick skin, not

The main reason we don’t have unlimited data any longer are because of providers who feel that the unlimited data threatens their profits on their other services. In this case Comcast with their video services. We are living at an age that the price per byte is minimum, if you were to tell me that it is so expensive

I agree that the CAPS are a pain however, in my area I switched over to comcast comercial which is just $10 more a month and I remove the cap altogether. Plus I get an SLA of 4 hours if there are any issues, which I hold them to I pay for 20/5 and Im getting 35/10 which is nice, Ive only had 2 outages with my

Im on the Apple Dev team and they have a big warning that you wont be able to fully roll-back to previous versions after the installation of IOS5. I have had a few friends do this and then they had to come to me to get their devices added in to my Dev account so they could use them because this just didnt work and

They did solve the flying missile problem by re-enforcing the door; however there are still many risks at bay. For one the pilot is still responsible for every single life in that plane, and I for one thing every life is precious and is not something to be taken lightly, If a hostage situation were to happen what

Interesting how this is spreading like wild fire and we still don’t know if there was a data compromise or not. These forensic investigations take time its not just look at the server and say hey they got our stuff, you have to validate with certainty what was exposed and how much of it. Then determine a communication

For the same reason you would have to do it in the Xbox, if you want to make purchases through the console without using pre-paid cards you would need a CC attached to your PSN account.

Unless they can confirm there was a breach and sensitive data was exposed they are not required to communicate anything. If it was determined that data was leaked and it affects their customers (for example un-encrypted credit card numbers were stolen) then they have to issue a statement and work with the required

Once the Aircraft leaves the runway it is up to the pilot and grounds crew to get them to them to their location. It is up to the pilot to make the desicions to go or no go through the spaces in crouded jetways. From the looks of it the CRJ was stopped short of the gate and was either waiting for direction or to be

This sucks but if TW didn’t provide notice and obtain permission to do this they are stuck.

The only way this would be true is if the movie was available for VOD at the same time the movie is released at the theater. The minute the movie leaves theaters your argument is no longer valid.

Sorry but your opinion is bias here. How can you say it is awesome when you can actually BUY and OWN the movie for less than $30? Plus as it was said the selection is not going to be a prime selection as hit movies will be retained from the service.

The hard part about this is finding the real contract and reading the terms.

@pliSkiNAKE: Comcast does offer unlimitted un capped however you have to sign up for business class service. I upgraded because I kept coming close to the 250GB limit and that was with me being moderate about my utilization. Now I pay $10 more but I have no issues. I dont even have the meter in my account.

I disagree with the closing statement and this is kind of what we brought on ourselves by accepting the Apple iron fist regarding the management of iOS. This will cause the iPad and the iOS environment to lose support from the people that have made these systems the success that they are today. If you take away