
So let me get this straight. You purchased one of the most reliable AND serviceable cars in history, but yours had problems. Fair. You spend cash and time fixing it up to make it reliable enough to sell, and you sold it. Then you bitch about how unreliable it was when you got it, having never actually tried to reap

So we can add Raphael Orlove to the list of people who have been coordinating with the DNC now? This is how the narrative is shaping up - the DNC didn’t do anything wrong, this is all the fault of crazy Russian hackers.

Sadly, this was not a computer generated image. Graham lives in south Alabama, and subsists on a diet of bacon cheese burgers and a beer recently rebraned as ‘Murica.

Actually, you have exactly the same types of crimes, they just occur at a far, far, far lower rate. I mean, you’ve had like... 3 people shot to death this year? We do more than that in one city in one night.

That’s kinja for you - you think you’re responding to one person, and it shows up in the thread with someone else’s name.

You fucking morons... civil laws don’t exist to provide an anvil against which to brutalize a population. They’re the codification of our ethics and morals, and an infringement of them doesn’t justify this kind of “let’s nail ‘em to the wall for jaywalking” attitude. The driver needs to be fined for entering a

The real metaphor here is that despite attacks, the Trump campaign continues on to its destination. Although, I like how cleverly you glossed over the fact that it was someone else who ran into the vehicle carrying Trump staffers, and not the other way around.

I stand corrected - NHTSA is still being a bitch. The regulatory barrier they managed to break down was State laws for all 50 US states and all those Canadian provinces. NHTSA is now the only one standing in the way. They’re going to try again this year with getting an exception carved out for testing and data

Also, because you’re black.

Unlike you common whores, I was able to abstain from watching any of it. I don’t need to take a bite of a shit sandwich to know it tastes like shit...

CCD? 1998 called, they want their technology back.... there are very few CCD cameras in use anymore. CMOS is far superior.

Just to add - one of the hurdles was regulatory. The NHTSA and other agencies would not allow you to manufacture a car that didn’t have at least a drivers side view and windsheild mounted rear view mirror. OEM manufacturers managed to get those regulations modified to allow for cameras just last year.

Because we get the Beeb for free over here or some shit... no license fees at all...

So what are you doing here?

So basically, you didn’t know what the fuck you were talking about when you were talking about it, and new information proved that you didn’t know what the fuck you were talking about, but you’re going to now talk about how you didn’t know what the fuck you were talking about.

Actually, the driver of the semi who made a left turn against traffic is what killed him. I’ve been in similar situations.

12% is a butt load where torque is concerned. I’m calling bullshit on you. And you’re going to have to turn in your man card.

No... Ford. Definitely Ford. I could do a headunit in about 5 minutes in a Ford, and all you need is coat-hanger wire. Until those damned jelly-bean shaped Escorts came out with the integrated radio and AC controls...

Easy doesn’t necessarily mean cost effective or practical. You could easily render these engines compliant, but it would mean a dramatic reduction in engine output.

I can vouch for that -I did car stereo work in the 90's. People would bring in C4's that looked mint on the outside, but inside every panel you tried to take off would crumble. To make things worse, this wasn’t plastic over a metal support, it was just all plastic. So even if you got the panel off without destroying