
I’m down to the last thing: automatic transmissions. I’ve rebuilt engines, overhauled AC systems, rewired electrical, swapped clutches and whole transmissions... but I’ve been taught to fear automatic transmissions because of their complexity. I hope to tackle them one day soon.

That is merely a political obstacle. We deal with that kind of NIMBY bull all the time here in suburgatory.

Clearly you’re somewhat of a brick. There is no law in New York City, County or State that forbids ownership of a dirt bike. Get that through your head.

In deference to Trump,you’ll find that most Trump supporters are ardent Conservatives who are perfectly okay with the fact that Trump is not a Constitutionalist. But the so-called Conservatives in the GOP establishment aren’t either. They pretend to be, but espouse right-wing populism, and act like Democrats.

Your way of thinking is that the rights of individuals are subordinate to the general welfare as administered by government. That’s classic Democrat mindset, and I don’t mean the JFK or Jimmy Carter variety Democrat. I mean the “Democratic Socialist” mindset embodied in Chavismo, Nazism or Italian Fascism. (I realize

The problem is that the city doesn’t have legal title to these motorcycles. Most of them weren’t legally taken (eg, there are no criminal convictions, and the city didn’t compensate the owners for their property). Instead, they were abandoned at impound lots by the owners who can’t afford the ridiculous fees that were

Nobody needs to pry anything. This stuff can all get fed into a giant hammer mill that spits out finger sized shred on the other side. (And sometimes fingers, but that’s another story.) Then a series of conveyer belts and sorting machines gradually sorts it out to individual materials which are sent to recycling at

It’s not even as complicated as court. You can go before a magistrate judge and plead, and pay a fine.

You couldn’t be more wrong. They are perfectly legal to own. You can operate them in New York City all you want. You simply have to keep them off the public streets and right of ways. And if you do hoon on public roads with them, it’s a civil infraction, not a criminal one. Either way, due process is still required,

I want all of it. If you’re okay with government bureaucrats taking property by fiat, then I’d like to recommend you relocated to Cuba, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia or a number of other shit-holes ruined by your way of thinking.

So uhm... was this “confiscated property” adjudicated by due process? Were the owners found guilty? Or is this another example of the State expropriating the capital of the common people through civil forfeiture?

Shitstorm of JSF Haterade in 3, 2, 1....

Yeah...something something your momma.

What you see here is a TREKOL amphibious truck based on an UAZ-31514

The “absurd vertical maneuver” is called ‘the idiots loop’. It was actually a very well thought out solution to the fact that atomic weapons had such destructive power that they could destroy the aircraft that delivered it. By releasing the bomb during the ascent phase, the bomb would travel a ballistic arc similar to

People - especially in the Gawkerverse - forget that we live in a free society. People can do what they want with what they want. I can also point out the stupidity of their vehicle choice for a given lifestyle.

Trucks “should” be for people in construction trades or farmers. Or, people who intend to use them as trucks. I’m stunned by the number of trucks out there that never see the mud, have bedliners with no scratches, and sport interiors more appropriate for a BMW.

Using fascism? I call bullshit.

Owning a cab in NYC is not “immensely profitable”. Where do you think all those new hack licenses come from each year? They’re from businesses that failed because revenue <= expenses. The only people making immense profits in NYC are (were) the predatory lenders financing medallions, and the shops doing repairs on

I hear you’re giving a lot of money to Hulk Hogan. Maybe you should ask him to write a few things up. He seems really eloquent...