
@supergeek1694: Don't worry supergeek1694, I know you're right.

@Diggle_PERCY: The passwords to his friend's PSN accounts.

I thought this said transvestite... boy was I disappointed with that video.

"Where would one legally get rohypnol?" Anywhere outside the US: []

It's not just you.

The term "asshole" in this title doesn't seem strong enough. If I ever saw this man on the street I'd kill him myself.

SHIT! I'll notify him immediately.

One of my professors is actually working on a similar technology. He's working on some crazy chemical spectrography for the government. The stipulation they gave him was that they want to be able to tell the difference between a cookie factory and a nuclear processing factory, just by the smoke coming out of them.

@DeltaDAWG: Well if we take a simple physics equation (V=IR) we know that the voltage is equal to current multiplied by resistance. If you get tased in the chest, your junk is still going to feel it, but much less than if you got tased in your "junk" directly (hint: your body is technically a resistor).

I love Sprint.

I have no idea, however the whole basis of your "joke" is that people say stupid things when claiming photos are shopped. So, if you think about it, asking me that question is kind of silly. You knew when you wrote your comment that it made no sense, so how would I know what the position of the thumb has anything to

The caliper is at different rotational angles in both shots; definitely not shopped.

@The5thElephant: Sooo I didn't see this post before I made my comment. Here's what I had to say; maybe it will change your idea about using piezoelectrics in cars:

If this project does indeed revolve around piezoelectrics, it wouldn't be the vibration causing energy to be generated. The energy would actually come from the pressure generated by the weight of the car.

Can you explain it to me then??? All the parts are there...

If I could star you I would.

The first two points you bring up are perfectly valid.