
aaaaand that's the last time I look at porn on my phone. I mean.. what?

The only issue raised in this article against watching porn in the library is that children may see it.

@Ben Zvan: Yeah, all this is doing is really doing is forcing people to get more important friends.

It's days like these that I miss Adam...

@Homerjay. Fudd me.: My roommate uses it in his bed to control movies on his TV that's hooked up to his computer. It would kinda suck to have wires there because you'd have to worry about waking up all strangled and stuff.

I, for one, welcome comments that aren't over used memes like this one.

@916CALLTURK: The word "actor" applies to both females and males. Stop being such a tool.

The amount of truth in this theory is astounding. Well done good sir.

Good lord, that may be the best marketing video I have ever seen. I now possess a very strong urge to go out and buy some of those boots.

Should've flown into Dulles.

"To argue over whether NPR is "liberal" is to waste everyone's time. Yes, it's liberal, and it does great journalism, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

When this kid grows up and starts hanging out with Mary Jane... that's when this place will really reach its full potential.

I discovered this yesterday. Freaky.

Now playing

Watson actually does use a standard jeopardy button using a mechanical actuator. Skip to 5:12 in the video to see proof.

Looks pretty slick. I might actually start developing for WebOS again if these new products are able to gain more market share.

I'm sad to say that I kind of want this.

@Evil_Dynasty: Nah, that's just the annoying girl down the hall who thinks we're friends.

Oh hey, look! I did relay for life and went to treasure island too!