
Dear Samsung,

Actually utilizing the parallel processing abilities of a 1000 core CPU is going to be a bitch though.

@jtw78: I'm with you buddy, I'm with you.

I was actually just talking to my uncle who's friends with one of Assange's lawyers... say's he'll represent anyone as long as it makes him famous. Looks like he's trying to get rich as well haha.

I work in retail and my first thought was "duh."

@Ajh: Hahaha seriously, I had to think about your question too.

That's ridiculous. I would have a problem answering that question even if I wasn't lying.

For those who don't know, Doug Benson is the guy who did Super High Me.

@neutronrobotman: I wouldn't recommended that. Your network will become the one people use to torrent off of... then when cease and desist letters come, you'll be the one receiving them instead of the people actually breaking the law.

This WWF guy is drunk.

@spider2544: exactly my point. I need to swoop in there quick.

Huh, my friend's dad is bros with Steve Case. I had no idea he was that rich.

I'm not even gay or depressed but damn was that video was inspiring.

@☆Giroro G66☆: Or just shove a key into the side, suck all the beer out, and name it after something manly. Like "shotgun."

Super Mario Bros on the NES and Super Mario 64 on the N64 were the best Mario games ever, as far as I'm concerned.

I read:

You used to be able to smoke on airplanes... and now this?