
Well when the drivers from bootcamp or parallels are ported to windows, let me know. I wouldn't mind swiping my way around Windows 7.

@Hlaode: Hmm I know for a fact that moth me and a Gizmodo buddy were having this problem.

I'm somewhat of a self-titled RFID expert and I can tell you one simple way to disable these suckers:

@Tycho Vhargon: Is there a count of how many lives ejection seats have taken away? One of my friends that served on an aircraft carrier saw a seat shoot off on deck without the hatch releasing. Both the guy that set it off accidentally and his partner died instantly.

Yo dawg I heard you like universes...

I was absolutely enraged when I first used the new Google Image search because the images were literally taking minutes to load.

Interesting... I'd like to hear Woz's opinion on this.

@El Guano: It is the real Woz. His account has been confirmed on many occasions.

I'm not out to get this guy un-starred or anything, but could someone (anyone really) give me an explanation as to how this comment doesn't warrant a de-starring?

@Robotronic: You could have at least included a *spoiler alert* geez.

@uptonogood: You're right, my first point is irrelevant. The y-axis does not need to be labeled in this case.

I posted this in a reply down below, but I think it bears repeating...

@makkura: Oh in that case, you're still mistaken. Meet The Robinsons (2007) (and a plethora of other movies) were released years before Avatar (2009) and used the exact same 3D technology.

@Iowa11: I know, this is one of the few movies I've been legitimately excited for.

@makkura: I think you're joking, but I can't be sure. In case you're not... 3D movies have existed since at least the 1950's.

Should be called DrunkType. Perfect for legible drunk texting!

@Monty: Agreed. The statistical analysis of this is utter BS. The graph is misleading because: