
I think the majority of the people will support 3D animated films... it's the live action ones that are going to die.

@Zazu_Yen: The studio would never do that to somebody like Nolan. He's too high profile to push around like that.

@Eruanno: I'm glad you've seen Memento (one of my favorite movies of all time) but you have to see The Prestige. It has David Bowie playing Nikola Tesla for Christ's sake! Need I say more?

This is reason number 4 I love Christopher Nolan...

@bjaxon: Hmmm usually it's when I bring up HTML/CSS/JavaScript that women run away.

I had this yesterday and it takes FOREVER to load. I am not a fan.

@TheUltra: Okay, I guess I just don't understand the herp derp image.

@TheUltra: How does this relate to the article at all? I'm not trying to be a dick, but this isn't 4chan, so please either post something clever, insightful, or humorous. There is little tolerance for memes here.

@eros: Thank you kind sir for ruining every one of my aquarium experiences from here on out.

@☆Giroro G66☆: What other "data" do you need? The plane went down. It took X amount of seconds. What else matters?

@Greetings. I am Wu.: Yeah, I'm not holding my breath for a good design from HP. They make bargain laptops, it's why they sell more than anyone else.

@Zfire: Good point. They also provide habitats for underwater creatures so it's not even that big of a deal.

Do they salvage those planes or just leave 'em in the water?

I love:

@eenmijay: WD-40 stands for "Water Displacement - 40th Attempt". The inventor was attempting to concoct a formula to prevent corrosion, by displacing the standing water that causes it. In the process, he arrived at a successful formula on his 40th attempt.

@Faxmonkey: There are some things that are fundamentally wrong. Stealing is one of them.

@Jaredu: "If they had money, they'd pay for the songs/movies/etc."

@legodt: You're joking, right?

I was in London when this went down. I actually was on the underground earlier that day.