The best fan amongst the best fans in baseball
The best fan amongst the best fans in baseball
Being in the grey is no commentary on your abilities and we do try to promote as much as we can but given that we get thousands of comments a day going through and following individual good commenters is simply difficult, especially given that we have to do it separately on every Kinja site. It’s a pretty lousy…
You know what you did.
I'm from Tennessee, and I'm genuinely worried about which and how many letters appear to the left of this shot.
If anybody is curious, I am also WILLING to sign for 3/$53M with the Cavaliers.
if football fans are good at anything, it’s finding creative ways to stay as shitfaced as possible while turning the stadium into a hell on Earth.
The final 10 seconds or so when the camera focuses was more horrifying than any other part of the video
The mention of “The 12s” is easily the most intolerable part of this saga
Inflatable life-size Ben Wallace. Best pool boy ever.
The only people who knew Cardale Jones was starting were Urban Meyer and Bill Belichick.
They call them scalpers to honor them.
They’re innocent. Rutgers doesn’t beat anyone.
Christmas came early.
You guys seriously have to stop. I can’t keep my hand in my pants all day, I have to go to work!
Glad he’s finally caught a break.
80 percent of Deadspin’s readership.
Yeah, well, more like Poop-Eater Mc Cafferty.
Police were surprised to learn that the knife was fake, as they’d legitimately believed it was real for a long time, although some of the smarter ones had had their doubts.