
Meaning $100 will net you 2 years of PS+ AND $20 PSN credit

If you're talking about the PS+, then just use the codes all at once - the time stacks.

Definitely one of those games that started out extremely boring and got me to actually play through multiple times like they intended you to from the start.

This is SO MUCH of what I've wanted games to do for years. <3

I'd pay full price for a Vita version with no extra content beyond the base game.

Then I'd have every one of my top 5 favorite games on the go:
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy Tactics
Vagrant Story
Mega Man X
Final Fantasy XII

A slowpoke meme won't even do this justice.

Games are as much a form of expression as photography or film, if not more, and I believe the what Rami was saying is that he believes that everyone should have the opportunity to make games.

Are you playing these games on normal or easy? Because if modern games are too easy for you, there's usually the option to bump up the difficulty.

I've gone back and looked at pictures of you with short hair and pictures of you with long hair, and after considerable consideration, I think you are funny and talented.

+1 for my favorite RPG battle system

Vagrant Story
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy Tactics

Those are my top 3 battle systems of all time.

Pretty much.

That makes their decision to not release games we've been asking for, for decades, even worse. :\

Nintendo: "We make too much money to care about making more money."

I concur.

Arkham City should have gotten an M and, honestly, the entire Halo series should have been T rated in the first place.

Some of these were pretty funny, but I'm pretty sure half of those shirts were worn on purpose, from the looks of the people wearing them.

I believe it. I could do this with THE ENTIRE GAME OF METAL GEAR SOLID. I know that game so well, and have beaten it so many times, that I can literally play the game in my head.