
People like you are the reason why I stay out of politics as much as possible. The fact that someone likes the president doesn’t make them a racist. You yourself are discriminating against a group of people.

on behalf of all trump supporters, we are very sad we can’t make minimum wage at your shitty non profit organization. How oh how will I ever make a living now?!

Me after watching this GOD DAMN patriotic and inspirational video made RIGHT HERE IN GOD DAMN AMERICA about shooting guns.

Sure it isn’t a Subaru Crosstrek? Same offroad capability and 0-60 time.

David I cannot thank you enough for reaching out. Your kind words are very much appreciated. Simply put there is nothing I would not do for my little girl. I have watched her grow and struggle for almost 6 years now. And she does so with grace and a joy that brings light to others around her. My car will remain for

Meh, maybe. If I’m out at sea and ocean spray is all around (dependent on weather), I think good irons would be better than anything with a lense.

How can you be so incompetent that you weren’t aware of multiple nuclear tests by a crazy dictator killing his own family to solidify his power? really? Understand he knows wimps like you are so afraid of war you’ll be okay with him nuking South Korea and Japan as long as we don’t challenge him.

You don’t play sports much, do you? Machado looked legitimately concerned when he caught Pedroia. That isn’t the reaction of someone trying to spike someone. But sure let’s throw something that could end his career. You, sir (I use that term lightly), are a cunt.

Did somebody say my name?

Why don’t you “abide” like your namesake, El Duderino.

People need to stop with this shit. My dad is going to start expecting my brother and I to restore some old Bronco and it ain’t happening.

It helps the car get around that slight left bend at those speeds.

If Faraday Future ever makes it to production and the company OUTPERFORMS even Fisker in sales, I will strip down to a Speedo and run the length of 6th street in Austin on a game day Saturday night at 11:00 pm from IH35 all the way to Congress. Patrick George and Stef will monitor the event.

I thought it was a noble sacrifice. “I’m going down! Here’s some traction; save yourselves!”

You’re welcome.

You’re assuming it’s a baby.

Now playing

This is now a thread about cars with ITBs.